Thursday, 7 April 2011


Well, if you are reading this, you have probably been clicking on link after link, trying to find some way to fill up all this free time that is glaring at you, mocking you because you have nothing better to do. 
Or you just like going through blogs.
It's strange, writing this. With no particular audience. This one blog post may well just end up floating around somewhere in cyberspace with no one to read it, all alone and sad.
Or it could make friends with all the other crap that no one reads on the internet. There's a lot of that these days. Useless stuff on the internet, I mean. But hey, time pass for us bored souls, eh?

I'm pretty new to this whole blogging concept, but I am able to go on for hours about nothing. sometimes making absolutely no sense. Okay, most of the time.

I have yet to figure out all the layout options here, but I think I did pretty well for my first try, don't you? especially considering the fact that, after my father, I am the most technologically handicapped person I know.

You know what I love most about blogs? You can write whatever you want and no one can say anything to you about it. you can go on and on about yourself, or your pet goldfish, (creatively named Goldie), and no one can say anything to you about it, because its yours. 
I am also hoping that this will eventually improve my nonexistent typing skills.

I probably shouldn't have started a blog smack dab in the middle of my A levels, but oh well. 
For some reason, everything just seems way more appealing during exams than after them.


    i made my blog last summer, i thought no one would read it, too :D keep a positive attitude, be consistent in posting, comment nicely everywhere, and you'll make tons of friends!

    ... be my friend?

  2. Haha, thanks, man :)
    and i'm honoured. Of course I'll be your friend! I thought you'd never ask.
    *wipes tear from eye discreetly*

  3. Hahahaha! Dang, I started my blog in April too! Late April.
    "especially considering the fact that, after my father, I am the most technologically handicapped person I know." HAHAHAHAHAHA. My stomache's hurting. Like seriously.

  4. @ chocolate milk: we started blogging at the same time! for some reason that sounds really awesome to me. like meeting someone with the same birthday as you.. kinda :p
